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RSS FDICrusherXx

Reward Points:3
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

The fact that they are employing employees does not take away from the fact that employees would be taken advantage of with long work hours and low wages. If the employees are continuously viewed as inferior, this would create a culture clash between the MNC's employees and the local employees. This may result in an uprise of riots and an overall increase of violence as the locals may be enraged at the fact that their homeland is being taken over.

1 point

If you cannot copy straight from the textbook, it would be appreciated.

2 points

This bring to attention to what extent it should be ethically acceptable for the employees to be exploited, even though it may be for a short amount of time.

1 point

It is common for MNC's to transfer their profits back out of the country to their country of origin. This therefore would have no positive impact for the country as no money would be implemented to benefit the country itself.

Supporting Evidence: Proof (
7 points

Although MNCs do provide employment, it is argued that they often bring in their own management teams, simply using inexpensive low skilled workers for basic production, and providing no education or training. Ultimately, they would exploit the workers.

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