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Dubai American Academy

Fmanjy's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Also, not only will it create jobs in the developed nation but it will also improve the country's economy through government tax Revenue. More specifically, Jarbil Circuit Inc. will re-invest RM1 billion over the next 5 years. This will create over 2,500 jobs and bring more money into Malaysia which can be used to improve other sectors of the economy like education and health care.

3 points

As mentioned in class, I took notes Crusher I apologize for paying attention

3 points

FDI creates employment and provides education and training in developing countries. This will increase the skill level of the work force and also pass on knowledge to the less developed nation. Over 13,000 jobs were created in Ireland due to the foreign direct investment of multinational companies. 148 FDI investments were made in 2012 and the number of jobs was up 20 per cent on the figures from the previous year.

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