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Dubai American Academy

Amolss's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amolss's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Although the HDI has increased in recent years, shell started operating in Nigeria in 1937. From 2004 to 2010, the number of people living on < $1/ day has increased from 54.7% to 60.9%. The MNC is just taking the money back with them and this is not beneficial to the country. (

2 points

This is an example of a more developed country, but many MNCs in the UAE have cited that they "were hampered by a skills shortage." ( If the locals possessed the appropriate skills, it would be in the firm's interest to hire them and there would be no need for a quota.

0 points

Although the FDI will encourage technological growth, it is unlikely that jobs will be created for the populace. The company investing in the country will be concerned with making profits, and won't waste time training locals; they will bring their own people instead. They will likely not be able to escape the poverty trap.

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