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Dubai American Academy

ZDietsche's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ZDietsche's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What you are failing to recognize is that the employees are choosing to work for the MNC. You are treating it as if they have been captured and forced to work. There will most likely be no riots, because they are making a better salary than they would have somewhere else and violence is unlikely. Again "their homeland is being taken over" is unsubstantiated, with no example. Your argument also has nothing to do with use of land or minerals, but is about employment. Finally, culture clash is not an issue. As you are referring to unskilled labor, there will be no sense of individuality in these companies anyway, therefore culture will not be an issue.

4 points

Although MNC's do have cheap access to resources, countries only allow this extraction because they do not have the materials to do so themselves. The amount that the government receives from the MNC is better than the amount received from sitting on top of minerals. Additionally income is distributed into the economy, as the new management has moved and needs housing and food, and the MNC itself needs new property and headquarters. Exploitation can be a large issue, however, people are making more at the MNC than what they could be making somewhere else. This in turn increases their income levels. If it did not, they would not be taking the jobs.

1 point

Although MNC's may and most probably will bring in their own management team, this does not take away from the fact that they are employing locals. As long as companies are regulated in the payment and treatment of workers, locals may benefit by working for a larger firm. Additionally, the large company will require the help of locals to learn about regulations, customs, and trade in the country, providing more skilled jobs. In terms of location, the MNC must purchase or rent property or land, sometimes overpaying for the land. This continuous flow of income in the society shows the benefits of bringing a multinational company into a developing country as people are able to save more, eventually bringing them out of the poverty trap.

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